
Do you have a child born in 2020? Kindergarten Information Evenings and Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year

As we begin to prepare for the 2025-2026 school year, we are pleased to share information related to two Kindergarten Information Evenings that will be held in our gymnasium at 315 Sage Creek Blvd on:

• Monday, Feb. 10th at 6 p.m. (English Program) –

• Thursday Feb. 13th at 6 p.m. (French Program at the new school) –

The information evenings are intended for people who will be living in Sage Creek in September 2025 (English Program) or Sage Creek/Bonavista (French Immersion Program) and who have children born in 2020 (turning five, on or before December 31st, 2025). It is important to note that, due to the information being shared at the information evenings, the target audience for these information evenings is parents only, and parents should not be bringing their child who is the “incoming Kindergarten students” or their siblings.  

To help us better prepare for the evenings, we are asking parents to register for one of the evenings, as soon as possible, by clicking on one of the links below.  


 During the information evening, we will be:

  • Sharing information related to what you can expect from our Kindergarten programs.  Please note that Kindergarten is a "full-day" program at both schools located in Sage Creek.
  • Sharing information related to the registration process: The Kindergarten Registration packages, and further information related to the registration process.
  • Answering your questions.
  • Giving you an opportunity to explore the school.

Please note that registration packages will be accepted beginning on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025.  We kindly ask you submit your registration early as confirmed numbers in the Kindergarten programs affect our staffing, ensuring we have enough teachers and classrooms for all who need. 

If you have friends or neighbours who live in, or will be living in Sage Creek in September 2025, who also have children born in 2020, please let them know that they should visit this webpage and register for one of the evenings. If you have any questions, please call me or the office staff at the school at (204) 253-8199. 

Jason Dubeau - Principal